Czech Radiokomunikace (CRA) has announced the results of the third year of the Czech IoT Summer Jam. The first prize of CZK 50,000 was awarded to a project from the field of smart agriculture, the smart irrigation project Plantcontrol. Another project to receive an award was in beekeeping, enabling the visualisation of beehive weight data.
The winning project Platcontrol uses LoRaWAN technology. It prevents unnecessary over-consumption of water in irrigation or in the case of an accident. Via a self-service online application, irrigation can be planned or the system can be switched on and off manually. The system can be used in parks, botanical gardens, orchards or fields.
In total, in the competition 40 sensors were deployed, sending over 500,000 messages. The data from the competition are still available at the CRA IoT Hub, where the expert public can try out LoRaWAN technology.
Besides the Czech IoT Summer Jam, the operator organises other competitions related to the internet of things, such as CRA IoT Hackathon or conferences and workshops.