The Dutch are divided on whether their privacy would be at stake in a smart city environment, according to a study commissioned by Dell EMC. The company is working with Nokia to build Delft into a smart city. Over half (55%) of the respondents in the study indicated they were not afraid of privacy issues, with over 44 percent saying their privacy would be at risk.
Older respondents were more likely to question privacy in a smart city. The percentage went to 57 percent for those age 60-65, from around 38 percent among those under 40. A few more people from the north and west of the country showed concern. Those in the east said they were not so worried. according to Dell EMC, which is working with Nokia in Delft on a smart-city project.
No idea about smart-city projects
Fear of privacy problems seemed fueled by the fact that many people have no idea about what is happening in their municipality regarding steps to make a smart city. To the statement ‘The place where I live now has already taken steps that belong to a’ smart city ‘, only 15 percent answered in the affirmative, while 44 percent said this was not the case. Around 40 percent said they had no idea.